Archive of posts with tag 'QGIS'

Weekend Reading: Real Time Analytics, Georeferencing, and Fulcrum Code

June 1, 2019 • #

📉 Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Give Real-time Analytics

I thought this was a great post on how unnecessary “real-time” analytics can be when misused. As the author points out, it’s almost never necessary to have data that current. With current software it’s possible to have infinite analytics on everything, and as a result it’s irresistable to many people to think of those metrics as essential for decision making.

This line of thinking is a trap. It’s important to divorce the concepts of operational metrics...

Discovering QGIS

May 29, 2019 • #

This week we’ve had Kurt Menke in the office (of Bird’s Eye View GIS) providing a guided training workshop for QGIS, the canonical open source GIS suite.

It’s been a great first two days covering a wide range of topics from his book titled Discovering QGIS 3.

The team attending the workshop is a diverse group...

24 Days of QGIS

December 23, 2018 • #

Each year GIS developer and cartographer Nyall Dawson puts together a thread of daily tweets leading up to Christmas, each with a helpful tip for QGIS. You can see all of them at the hashtag #24daysofqgis.

Here are a few of my favorites: