Coleman McCormick

🥡 L’appétit Vient en Mangeant →

July 24, 2023 • #

From Stephan Ango:

There’s a French expression I like:

L’appétit vient en mangeant

Appetite comes when you eat. Nibble and your appetite will grow.

Appetite can be the hunger for any kind of thing, not just food. Some days I wish I had the appetite to write, to read, to exercise, or even go outside.

Procrastination is the state of waiting for motivation to come. Paradoxically, the most reliable way to create motivation is to start doing the thing.

So great. The ultimate paradox of human productivity. For some reason when we’ve done nothing is when we’re the most overwhelmed with a task, a project, a hobby, a habit. Once we start doing things, those things get easier. They become more enjoyable. The tangible movement and progress motivates us for more. Another excellent example of the benefits of keeping things simple — of getting to basics before you overthink your work.

Topics:   productivity   habits   psychology   behavior