Coleman McCormick

Kevin Kwok on Social Acquisition Loops →

October 23, 2019 • #

An interesting article from Kevin Kwok on Superhuman’s (the email client) user acquisition cycle. An ultimate example of the product-led growth model. Good observations here on what they’re doing differently in having a product-centric strategy to drive the social referral loop. I liked this piece, about their hands-on, tailored onboarding process, which is almost totally unheard of in the consumer apps space:

Human Connection. Every onboarding at Superhuman is done by someone on their team. As importantly, because new users are already high intent, it feels far less transactional and sales oriented. And more aligned and focused on setting up and learning the product. Knowing someone at the company I suspect lowers churn. When the CEO onboards you personally, it becomes harder and more personal to unsubscribe.

I also think that associating a human face with the product (and one that isn’t trying to get you to buy more) also changes the dynamic. It makes the product feel more personal. Beyond churn, I think this translates into things like how you feel when emailing them with feedback or complaints, makes you more likely to read their emails, etc.

Topics:   product