Coleman McCormick

🏗 The Great Reset →

April 30, 2020 • #

Martin Gurri in response to Marc Andreessen’s “It’s Time to Build” essay:

So how do we get from here to build? To demand that our current institutions make that leap would be like asking the Great Pyramid to win the Indianapolis 500. It won’t happen. As a precursor to Andreessen’s building spree, our institutions—certainly government at every level, including the regulatory and scientific agencies—must crack open their industrial-age cocoons and join the rest of us in the digital dispensation. At a minimum, they must be able to move as fast as information does today. This will require different protocols, different technology, a different form: less like the Great Pyramid and more like a race car. They must be flatter and faster.

For more on the problematic status of our institutions, Gurri’s The Revolt of the Public was fantastic. And I just finished Yuval Levin’s A Time to Build, where he presents a clear diagnosis of some of those problems and an optimistic case for improving things.

Topics:   institutions   progress   politics