Weekend Reading: LightSpeed, Kubernetes, and a Car-Free Market Street

March 14, 2020 • #

📱 Project LightSpeed: Rewriting the Messenger Codebase

A technical piece describing the goals for Facebook’s rewrite of the Messenger app. Interesting to see them avoiding their own React Native for this, and doing things in native iOS/Android.

🔩 “Let’s Use Kubernetes!” Now You Have 8 Problems

A humorous post, but has a point. There’s pressure to add new tools that don’t do much but add moving parts and complexity. There’s nothing wrong with Kubernetes, but there’s a place for it (and your small team probably doesn’t need it).

The more you buy in to Kubernetes, the harder it is to do normal development: you need all the different concepts (Pod, Deployment, Service, etc.) to run your code. So you need to spin up a complete K8s system just to test anything, via a VM or nested Docker containers.

And since your application is much harder to run locally, development is harder, leading to a variety of solutions, from staging environments, to proxying a local process into the cluster (I wrote a tool for this a few years ago), to proxying a remote process onto your local machine…

🚲 How the Car-Free Policy Impacted Market Street Traffic

Mapbox digs into the impacts of San Francisco’s Market Street going pedestrians and bikes only.

Topics:   weekend reading   Facebook   engineering   infrastructure   devops   urban planning   maps