💎 Charmstone →
January 25, 2022 • #I ran across this little Mac utility recently. My left thumb and ring finger are always tethered to the alt-tab keys, muscle memory programmed to toggle between apps routinely on my machine. I must flip through the alt-tab menu hundreds of times in a typical day to switch between apps. If you combine this behavior with having lots of apps open all the time, I’m constantly switching to the wrong things accidentally.
Charmstone is a clever alternative to alt-tabbing. It uses a combination of key press and mouse movement to pop up a programmable switcher menu from anywhere on the screen. You just hold ⌥+⌘ and move your mouse, and a radial selector pops up with icons for your chosen most-used applications. In just a couple days of using it, I’m finding it super handy to getting back to my most-used windows, like Brave, chat apps, and email. No more messy mistaken alt-tab switches getting me confused.
- Raycast — Add a command bar to any app with Raycast.
- OmniFocus 2 for iPhone — With the latest iOS update, OmniFocus is now not only a tool that follows a GTD workflow, but one that actually leads you into better GTD practice.
- Dropbox and Backups — I use Dropbox as the nerve center for all of my digital goods, keeping data, configurations, histories, log files, and anything else I need access to centralized and available from my Mac or iOS devices. Here are a few of my daily tools or information trails I want to keep synced up, so anything here can be a few clicks or a search away.