Weekend Reading: tracejson, Euclid, and Designing at Scale

August 24, 2019 • #

🛰 tracejson

An extension to the GeoJSON format for storing GPS track data, including timestamps. GPX has been long in the tooth for a long time, but it works and is supported by everything. This approach could have some legs if application developers are interested in a new, more efficient, way of doing things. I know I’d like to explore it for Fulcrum’s GPS-based video capability. Right now we do GPX and our own basic JSON format for storing the geo and elapsed time data to match up video frames with location. This could be a better way.

🔷 Byrne’s Euclid

This is a gorgeous web recreation of Oliver Byrne’s take on Euclid’s Elements. A true work of art.

🎨 Design Tooling at Scale

This post from the Dropbox design team dives into how a large team with a complex product created a design system for a consistent language. It goes into how they organize the stack of design elements and structures using Figma for collaboration.

Topics:   weekend reading   GPS   open source   geometry   mathematics   design